SLB Group - Newsletter 2023
Let's develop the positive forest and recreate living ecosystems!
In a report published in 2022, the UN defined major objectives for the world's forests. These are EXACTLY these objectives that have been implemented in the POSITIVE FORESTS of the SLB Group for over 30 years :
> Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide through sustainable forest management, prevent their degradation and contribute to the fight against climate change.
> Strengthen the economic, social and environmental benefits linked to forests.
> Increase the area of protected forests in the world, that of sustainably managed forests, as well as the proportion of forest products coming from sustainably managed forests.
> Mobilize additional financial resources for the implementation of sustainable forest management and strengthen cooperation and scientific and technical partnerships.
Our passion for forests pushes us to improve our management practices year after year. In 2023, while continuing our projects to support companies towards contributing to carbon neutrality, we have implemented monitoring of soil analyzes in our forests and biodiversity inventory operations in order to better protect them.
This year, we also acquired nearly 500 ha of massifs in Romania and a new 200 ha farm in Brazil, where we will continue to enrich our know-how, between “common farmer sense” and innovation.