The SLB Group is proud to initiate a partnership with MIROVA
MIROVA, the sustainable investment affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, is partnering with SLB's afforestation programme in Brazil.
Our expertise in sustainable forest management and the strength of our afforestation programme in Brazil convinced Mirova, the Natixis Investment Managers affiliate dedicated to sustainable investment, to invest alongside us.
Mirova is thus consolidating the portfolio of its Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) fund. The implementation of a first investment aims to restore 2,000 ha of degraded land through the implementation of sustainable forestry practices.
Launched in 2008, the Econologic Program® is part of the desire to provide FSC® certified wood for sustainable uses while promoting the conservation of Paraná's native forest. It allows economic actors to implement an innovative CSR strategy and to make Socially Responsible Investments.
Through its actions in Brazil, the SLB Group intends to:
- participate in the improvement of soil quality
The ecosystem services provided by healthy soils are crucial to our survival. However, as noted in the 2nd edition of the "Global Land Outlook", published by the UN Convention, 40% of the land is now degraded and modern agriculture is the main cause. The SLB Group implements forestry practices that allow the soil to regenerate and promotes the use of biochar, a natural organic amendment derived from the pyrolysis of biomass, which we manufacture and promote. In this way, the investment is also part of a broader memorandum of understanding, the aim of which is to combat soil degradation, in particular through the use of biochar.
- contribute to the protection of the Mata Atlantica forest, of its fauna and flora
By conserving the endemic forest and leaving large areas of its programmes in Brazil to regenerate naturally, SLB is creating ecological corridors where biodiversity can flourish.
- working on the climate front by sequestering carbon
Forests play a key role in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) +1.5°C scenario requires the addition of 300 million hectares of forest area (+7.5% of the current area) over the next 30 years. Through its forest management methods and the choice of outlets for its wood production, the SLB Group enables sustainable carbon sequestration.
We thank MIROVA for its confidence and welcome its commitment to an agro-ecological transition dedicated to the protection and restoration of natural capital.